Saturday, August 26, 2006

Ahhh Saturday...

We had hoped to do a late-afternoon beach outing today, complete with li'l picnic but the weather isn't expected to cooperate. Oh well. Instead we're meeting our ex-pat pal Jimmie for lunch which will be fun. He's home from London to get his house ready for rental and then he's back across the pond tomorrow. Two years in London sounds lovely to me. My travel for work consists of an occasional visit to the Back Bay. Where is the glamour?

The home improvement project carries on - now we have cement footings in the backyard. Ever watched cement dry? Its a lot like watching paint dry, but with less action since most of it happens underground inside a cardboard tube. I'm looking forward to the good stuff - demo of the existing porch, installation of the door out of Tim's office, etc.

Tim is recovering from Korean jet lag slowly but surely. He returned late Wednesday night, then had to work the next day and got home at 9:30pm. How lovely. On Friday he was up and ready to go to work and thought he'd sit in the comfy chair for a minute, and the next thing you now it was 12:30. Oops. Oh well. Luckily most of his group travels widely for work so they know that stuff happens.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Let the digging begin!

So what to my wondering eyes did appear but a miniature backhoe in the yard when I got home today. Looks like construction on the deck project is getting ready to roll. I called the contractor to be sure he had parked this lovely item in the right yard, and he assured me that he had. Alrighty then! When I asked about the teeny little restriction in the permit from the conservation commission lady that said we can't have any equipment go over the lawn, he said he'd take care of her. Alrighty then again! Call me crazy for (a) wanting to be law abiding and (b) not wanting to piss her off. Mostly (b).

Sunday, August 13, 2006


So Tim jets off to Korea for work tomorrow morning. The car arrives at 4am to get him to Logan for his 6:45 flight. Yeesh. He's so not an early riser, although he's quite chipper once he gets out of bed.

We went for our individualized birth class on Monday morning, and we both did much better than I thought we would. Chalk it up to a Powerpoint presentation instead of videos or pictures. And Alma, the awesome nurse who has been my rock since day one. I can't say the same about the breastfeeding class. I endured that one alone, two videos and a stuffed-animal-style demonstration boob to boot. I didn't anticipate feeling as grossed out by the end of the class as I was. I think it was the close-up of the earth mamas doing various things to prepare themselves for nursing. TMI.

The timing was finally right for Tim to feel the baby kicking last night! Usually whenever the Player to be Named Later would start soccer practice, Tim would rest his hand on me and then TPTBNL would get benched, so I was psyched he got to experience it. Tim announced that he now believes that I'm really pregnant and not just faking it. I've been pretty sure for a while, but its nice to have the vote of confidence.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

One Step Closer

While Max bathed and then snoozed, Tim and I just assembled the glider for The Player To Be Names Later's room. It only took four screws, but the last one sure was a doozy.