Sunday, August 13, 2006


So Tim jets off to Korea for work tomorrow morning. The car arrives at 4am to get him to Logan for his 6:45 flight. Yeesh. He's so not an early riser, although he's quite chipper once he gets out of bed.

We went for our individualized birth class on Monday morning, and we both did much better than I thought we would. Chalk it up to a Powerpoint presentation instead of videos or pictures. And Alma, the awesome nurse who has been my rock since day one. I can't say the same about the breastfeeding class. I endured that one alone, two videos and a stuffed-animal-style demonstration boob to boot. I didn't anticipate feeling as grossed out by the end of the class as I was. I think it was the close-up of the earth mamas doing various things to prepare themselves for nursing. TMI.

The timing was finally right for Tim to feel the baby kicking last night! Usually whenever the Player to be Named Later would start soccer practice, Tim would rest his hand on me and then TPTBNL would get benched, so I was psyched he got to experience it. Tim announced that he now believes that I'm really pregnant and not just faking it. I've been pretty sure for a while, but its nice to have the vote of confidence.

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