And now they are selling some very cute Christmas tree ornaments. Teeny little faux bags of coffee beans, and teeny little versions of their ubiquitous white cups. And a combo teeny cup with snowglobe.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Sweet Relief
Today I discovered the joy of the Starbucks Venti Caffe Latte. Always a latte fan, but I had never so specifically indulged. There was a Starbucks in the grocery store I was rambling through, and Rose was up 3x last night, if you include both of us waking up at 4:30 and staying up since then. Twice if you don't. Hence my need for some hi-test. And I am very glad to report that they did not disappoint. I'm usually a Dunkin Donuts, more mellow blend kind-of-coffee gal (truly a tea drinker at heart but desperate times call for desperate measures) but whatever those baristas cooked up worked for hours upon hours. Now I fear that that experience might have been my personal Brigadoon, coming along just once every hundred years...
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
House Work
Hopefully I'll get back to updating this site more frequently than once a month. Hopefully.
Work continues on the house. The driveway has been torn up, re-engineered and has 1 coat of asphalt on it. The final coat comes when all the other work has been done so there won't be any marks from the big trucks. From this fancy new driveway setup, we should never have another drop of water in the garage again unless we choose to put it there. That's kinda nice.
The steps have been torn out and are in the process of being rebuilt. All of the siding is coming off to be replaced with vinyl that looks like shingles. However, in the process of removing the outer layer it has been discovered that the underlayer is pretty rotted due to the poor design of the previous set of steps. Good thing we're doing this project now - it really could have been much worse if it was discovered Lordy only knows when.
The new shingles will be a lovely shade of yellow. I'm thinking of black shutters, white trim and perhaps an eggplant colored front door. Any other suggestions?
Work continues on the house. The driveway has been torn up, re-engineered and has 1 coat of asphalt on it. The final coat comes when all the other work has been done so there won't be any marks from the big trucks. From this fancy new driveway setup, we should never have another drop of water in the garage again unless we choose to put it there. That's kinda nice.
The steps have been torn out and are in the process of being rebuilt. All of the siding is coming off to be replaced with vinyl that looks like shingles. However, in the process of removing the outer layer it has been discovered that the underlayer is pretty rotted due to the poor design of the previous set of steps. Good thing we're doing this project now - it really could have been much worse if it was discovered Lordy only knows when.
The new shingles will be a lovely shade of yellow. I'm thinking of black shutters, white trim and perhaps an eggplant colored front door. Any other suggestions?
Friday, September 14, 2007
Day Off
So Tim & I took today off and nastily put Rose in daycare so we could have a date day. It was awesome. We did some errands in the morning including upgrading our cellphones to the Verizon Chocolate. So far we love them! A combo MP3 player and phone. What could be better AND its one less gadget to carry around, recharge, worry about etc. And my fun, free ringtone sounds like a Donna Summer song from the 70's. Really, this phone is the greatest!
Then we zoomed to Wingaersheek Beach. It was such a perfect September day - clear skies, 75 degrees and a nice breeze. The water was about 1000 shades of turqouise and looked like the Carribean. There were more people there than we expected - I think due to Rosh Hoshannah. Anyway, we got a huge kick out of watching some kids plunk big huge rocks the size of a bag of flour into the water off these little cliffs and listening to some other big boys talk about how the green things in the water must be aliens. So we were laying on a humungous rock watching the swirling water in a crevasse as the tide came in, and failed to realize that the water was actually getting higher everywhere on the beach and that we were now stranded on said humongous rock. Hmmm. I just plunged in and the water was up to my knees. Did Tim warn me first that I might want to roll my pants up? Yep. Did I think I wouldn't need to? Yep. Should I have rolled my pants up? Yep. After witnessing this, Tim rolled his pants up over his knees and plotted the best route to a dry landing. However, his sunglasses messed up his depth perception so he was perched on a boulder the size of about 5 basketballs combined together for quite a while trying to decide what to do next. Finally he just decided to take the plunge and the water only came up mid-shin so it was much ado over the proverbial nothing.
It was very kind of Rose to give Tim & I this day together as its been a very long while since we did anything just the two of us. We even picked her up early from daycare and she came home and just walked and walked and walked. I think it might be safe to put her in a dress again as the danger of getting rugburn on her lower legs while crawling in shorts or dresses seems to be a thing of the past. You go Rose!
Then we zoomed to Wingaersheek Beach. It was such a perfect September day - clear skies, 75 degrees and a nice breeze. The water was about 1000 shades of turqouise and looked like the Carribean. There were more people there than we expected - I think due to Rosh Hoshannah. Anyway, we got a huge kick out of watching some kids plunk big huge rocks the size of a bag of flour into the water off these little cliffs and listening to some other big boys talk about how the green things in the water must be aliens. So we were laying on a humungous rock watching the swirling water in a crevasse as the tide came in, and failed to realize that the water was actually getting higher everywhere on the beach and that we were now stranded on said humongous rock. Hmmm. I just plunged in and the water was up to my knees. Did Tim warn me first that I might want to roll my pants up? Yep. Did I think I wouldn't need to? Yep. Should I have rolled my pants up? Yep. After witnessing this, Tim rolled his pants up over his knees and plotted the best route to a dry landing. However, his sunglasses messed up his depth perception so he was perched on a boulder the size of about 5 basketballs combined together for quite a while trying to decide what to do next. Finally he just decided to take the plunge and the water only came up mid-shin so it was much ado over the proverbial nothing.
It was very kind of Rose to give Tim & I this day together as its been a very long while since we did anything just the two of us. We even picked her up early from daycare and she came home and just walked and walked and walked. I think it might be safe to put her in a dress again as the danger of getting rugburn on her lower legs while crawling in shorts or dresses seems to be a thing of the past. You go Rose!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Checking In
My apologies to my reader that there has been a dearth of entries of late. Don't ask me what I've been doing instead because I couldn't even begin to tell you....and that's not being mysterious or evasive, its just being truthful. Our days consist of work and then spending a little time with Rose and then spending a little time with each other. And the Red Sox...always the Red Sox. However it could be some horrendo activity instead so I really should just quit the griping.
Rose is growing like crazy and is on all table food which is so great. The only drawback is that she is now just about walking independently so she gets SO tired by the end of the day that she doesn't want to put a lot of energy into eating. So she doesn't eat enough and is waking up overnight again. Rats! My new obsession is baby friendly protein and getting a decent amount into her before she goes to bed. Tonight she ate TWO yo-baby yogurts and some cheese, some crackers and some puffs. And probably some other stuff too but I don't remember what else. She really has quite a smorgasbord offered to her every day and she eats well, just not enough at night. But we will prevail!
Rose is growing like crazy and is on all table food which is so great. The only drawback is that she is now just about walking independently so she gets SO tired by the end of the day that she doesn't want to put a lot of energy into eating. So she doesn't eat enough and is waking up overnight again. Rats! My new obsession is baby friendly protein and getting a decent amount into her before she goes to bed. Tonight she ate TWO yo-baby yogurts and some cheese, some crackers and some puffs. And probably some other stuff too but I don't remember what else. She really has quite a smorgasbord offered to her every day and she eats well, just not enough at night. But we will prevail!
Sunday, August 05, 2007
What Rose is up to...
Rose will turn 10 months old tomorrow, August 6. Amazing! Just to think that she was such a little newborn unable to do anything for herself just a short time ago to being the powerhouse she is now...
She loves using the phone (we call the weatherman), patting the kitty, shaking any furniture she can, seeing dogs, going outside, waving at people and her favorite things, eating yogurt, reading books that feature faces of little kids, playing with straws and lots of other fun things.
We're going on a picnic today at the gazebo at Lake Quannapowwit in Wakefield with our pal Lyn and her daughter Lulu. Lulu turns 1 this month so is training Rose on what to expect.
She loves using the phone (we call the weatherman), patting the kitty, shaking any furniture she can, seeing dogs, going outside, waving at people and her favorite things, eating yogurt, reading books that feature faces of little kids, playing with straws and lots of other fun things.
We're going on a picnic today at the gazebo at Lake Quannapowwit in Wakefield with our pal Lyn and her daughter Lulu. Lulu turns 1 this month so is training Rose on what to expect.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
These ROCK
These CDs are awesome. Tim got the U2 version for Father's Day from Drew & Suzanne. Be kind to yourself and get one even if you don't have kids. They're great to nod off too and for interesting background music. Tim's nephew is a big hip hop guy and is expecting his first baby. Let's hope Rockabye Baby! expands their repetoire in the next 6 months!
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Today is one of those postcard perfect sky, puffy white clouds, comfy temperatures. Aaaah, the joys of summer. We celebrated by meeting my sister, Libby, and her son, Sam, at Logan as they arrived to spend a few days on the Cape. Libby thought she'd need a hand corralling Sam, hauling suitcases & a stroller and getting whatever else together that she'd need en route to the rental car office. So we went in and spent a lovely hour or so at Logan. Libby and Rose had yet to meet in person, so it was a great opportunity.
We returned home to feed the girlfriend and then ventured out to do a couple of errands, which included picking up 5 lavender plants for the front yard. We have a space where a big oak tree used to be that is currently home to 5 lavenders, and they are getting 5 new neighbors. Its going to look and better yet smell awesome.
I recently returned from a wicked awesome long weekend across the pond in jolly old London. It was great to get away and be just me for a little while. I slept like a rock and thoroughly enjoyed every minute. I was amazed that a) I had no jet lag either way and b) I didn't feel a wince of guilt all weekend. Woo hoo! If you've never been, please go. If you have been, please return. It is the most fabulous of cities. Close second for me is Washington DC and/or San Francisco.
My pal Jimmie invited me to Royal Ascot which was the reason for the jaunt. It was a hoot. Here are some photos...
as you know, Ascot is all about the attire.
Friday, June 08, 2007
What a Difference a Day Makes
As that song performed by the fabulous Dinah Washington goes, what a difference a day makes. The construction dudes finally came back after I called and sort of exaggerated/fibbed about having people over on Sunday and being concerned about little kids falling off the porch. The event has been relocated from our house to Attleboro, but I didn't tell him that...
And here is how it looks today
We are so close to being done I can almost smell it. We need railings on the stairs and the thingies across the roof to complete the pergola. Our architect originally thought the columns were "too grand" for our house but I love them!
Monday, May 28, 2007
So Tim & I have a friend, Lyn. Lyn is probably 43 years old and is a widow. Her husband of 15 years died about 5 years ago from cirrhosis of the liver. It couldn't have been an easy life together. He was from England, they met during her junior year abroad. They married after she graduated from college and then moved to California so he could try his hand at screenwriting. After a good number of years and some success, they decided to move to Boston as it was a city they both loved. They ended up buying a fixer-upper in Wakefield, then he got really sick.
So after Lyn helped him through the end of his life, she took some time for herself and then decided to fulfill her lifelong dream of becoming a parent. Lulu, her adopted baby girl from Guatemala, was matched with Lyn in the fall and they spent Christmas together. Lyn got the amazing news that Lulu was ready to come home in February. So back to Guatemala she went, and then brought Lulu home. Tim was given the honor of being Lulu's male role model in the adoption process. Lyn asked him as we see Lyn weekly at church and she's seen how well he interacts with the kids. In addition, Tim was also given the honor of being Lulu's godfather. The baptism was yesterday and I just couldn't have been happier or more proud of Lyn. What an amazing person. She has experienced more in her 43 years than most by far, and she is just so very happy to be Lulu's mom. Yay and lots of love and best wishes for a truly happy life together to both of them!
So after Lyn helped him through the end of his life, she took some time for herself and then decided to fulfill her lifelong dream of becoming a parent. Lulu, her adopted baby girl from Guatemala, was matched with Lyn in the fall and they spent Christmas together. Lyn got the amazing news that Lulu was ready to come home in February. So back to Guatemala she went, and then brought Lulu home. Tim was given the honor of being Lulu's male role model in the adoption process. Lyn asked him as we see Lyn weekly at church and she's seen how well he interacts with the kids. In addition, Tim was also given the honor of being Lulu's godfather. The baptism was yesterday and I just couldn't have been happier or more proud of Lyn. What an amazing person. She has experienced more in her 43 years than most by far, and she is just so very happy to be Lulu's mom. Yay and lots of love and best wishes for a truly happy life together to both of them!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Decisions, decisions
So we are at a crossroads. What to do to enhance our TV options. Right now we have basic cable, which is fine but offers very little of interest to either of us when we do get a chance to watch.
One the one hand, Netflix is having a deal for a free first month. We joined and just got the first season of Entourage. So we could continue on the miser plan of $4.99/month and get two movies per month. We're really not movie folk, so I wonder if we will actually watch them. I dont' know if we have ever rented a movie for entertainment, so the Netflix option isn't all that promising. I'm honestly not sure that we'll even watch Entourage even though its supposed to be great.
On the other hand we could have DVR, Verizon's version of TiVo. That will let us record our favorite shows to watch whenever the hell we feel like it. Seinfield, Scrubs, Sex and the City. Steven Colbert & the Daily Show. My nerdy HGTV favorites...Designed to Sell, House Hunters and that show where Candace Olsen hosts and designs. Probably a lot of sports too. Oh and my favorite Food TV shows. These are all half-hour commitments and much more likely to be watched than those 90+ minute movies.
Hmmm. When you put it in writing, there isn't much of a decision to make. We're going DVR people!
One the one hand, Netflix is having a deal for a free first month. We joined and just got the first season of Entourage. So we could continue on the miser plan of $4.99/month and get two movies per month. We're really not movie folk, so I wonder if we will actually watch them. I dont' know if we have ever rented a movie for entertainment, so the Netflix option isn't all that promising. I'm honestly not sure that we'll even watch Entourage even though its supposed to be great.
On the other hand we could have DVR, Verizon's version of TiVo. That will let us record our favorite shows to watch whenever the hell we feel like it. Seinfield, Scrubs, Sex and the City. Steven Colbert & the Daily Show. My nerdy HGTV favorites...Designed to Sell, House Hunters and that show where Candace Olsen hosts and designs. Probably a lot of sports too. Oh and my favorite Food TV shows. These are all half-hour commitments and much more likely to be watched than those 90+ minute movies.
Hmmm. When you put it in writing, there isn't much of a decision to make. We're going DVR people!
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Tick, tick, tick
So the years, months, weeks, days and hours count down closer and closer to the arrival of Book 7. HP Book 7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. July 21. I can not wait. Truly. And I'm in a quandry over what to do at midnight on that illustrious date. Join the other rabid fans for the last Harry Potter book release bash ever or snuggle in my bed? Looking at it written down, I think the choice is crystal clear, although the alternative is quite tempting to be perfectly honest.
In preparation for this fabulous event, I am re-reading the series. Which really amazes even me given the fact that Rose is such a devotion and there's not a whole lot of extra time for reading these days. And so I have yet another reason to praise taking the commuter rail to work. Save the environment, save gas, save headaches, save time, and yes, create two little windows each day that belong just to me, to be spent only how I want to. They are a true luxury. And right now, they are dedicated to HP.
In preparation for this fabulous event, I am re-reading the series. Which really amazes even me given the fact that Rose is such a devotion and there's not a whole lot of extra time for reading these days. And so I have yet another reason to praise taking the commuter rail to work. Save the environment, save gas, save headaches, save time, and yes, create two little windows each day that belong just to me, to be spent only how I want to. They are a true luxury. And right now, they are dedicated to HP.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Lots of Milestones
So yesterday, all in one day, before 10:30 am EST, Rose...
and this week we switch over to the big-girl car seat since she's exploding out of the other one. I'm a little sad about that because the one she uses now is SO convenient. However, she will have a whole new view of the world which will be great for her.
Oy. Its amazing to see what happens next! She'll be crawling in no time. She gets herself into a pushup position and then doesn't quite know what to do next, but she'll figure it out soon enough.
- ate cereal mixed with fruit (bananas) for the first time
- lifted the brim of her hat which had fallen down over her face and peeked out to see who was around
- sat up all by herself for her whole bath
- drank from a sippy cup for the first time
and this week we switch over to the big-girl car seat since she's exploding out of the other one. I'm a little sad about that because the one she uses now is SO convenient. However, she will have a whole new view of the world which will be great for her.
Oy. Its amazing to see what happens next! She'll be crawling in no time. She gets herself into a pushup position and then doesn't quite know what to do next, but she'll figure it out soon enough.
Friday, April 20, 2007
The sun has returned and its a beautiful sight to behold. The early spring flowers will be busting out all over this weekend. Reports of Monday reaching 80 degrees. Unthinkable. And then we'll all be complaining about being too hot.
So I've been letting my hair grow for a while and its alllllllllllmost long enough to put in a ponytail or a clip. The front pieces need to get just a teeny bit longer to make it and then I'm in business. That being said, I have two comments about my hair. First, I need bangs. I can't see and lose my depth perception. And although they're long enough to tuck behind my ear, I think I look old. I'm not sure that bangs can help with that, but I can try. Second, I'm now seeing more gray. A lot more gray. Sigh. Poor Rose has an old mother. And Tim's gonna dump me for a younger model. Just like Bridget & Giselle.
I wish you all a very lovely weekend and hope you enjoy spring weather wherever you are. I hope to do a little bit of yard cleanup and to get in a nice walk to two.
So I've been letting my hair grow for a while and its alllllllllllmost long enough to put in a ponytail or a clip. The front pieces need to get just a teeny bit longer to make it and then I'm in business. That being said, I have two comments about my hair. First, I need bangs. I can't see and lose my depth perception. And although they're long enough to tuck behind my ear, I think I look old. I'm not sure that bangs can help with that, but I can try. Second, I'm now seeing more gray. A lot more gray. Sigh. Poor Rose has an old mother. And Tim's gonna dump me for a younger model. Just like Bridget & Giselle.
I wish you all a very lovely weekend and hope you enjoy spring weather wherever you are. I hope to do a little bit of yard cleanup and to get in a nice walk to two.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
So we're hosting Easter tomorrow. I think just my side of the fam, but one never knows who we'll pick up along the way. Last year we invited Ron & Amy from church after the 4pm service. We're not going to church until tomorrow at 9 so its doubtful we'll pick up anyone from there, but you just never know.
The menu? Why let me tell you...
appetizers (TBD) made by my mother (Grace) and my brother Tim's girlfriend, Cindy. Anything Cindy makes will cause all other food items to quiver in humility.
two roast chickens with lemon, onion & thyme made by me
new potatoes
an amazing salad made by my sister, Deirdre. Her salads are always knockouts.
I also made chive butter so anyone can slather whatever they want.
desserts will be provided by Grace and Cindy. I think it will be brown sugar cookies and key lime pie. Sounds good to me.
and of course an Easter basket with jellybeans and coconut Hershey kisses.
Hoppy Easter to all of you!
The menu? Why let me tell you...
appetizers (TBD) made by my mother (Grace) and my brother Tim's girlfriend, Cindy. Anything Cindy makes will cause all other food items to quiver in humility.
two roast chickens with lemon, onion & thyme made by me
new potatoes
an amazing salad made by my sister, Deirdre. Her salads are always knockouts.
I also made chive butter so anyone can slather whatever they want.
desserts will be provided by Grace and Cindy. I think it will be brown sugar cookies and key lime pie. Sounds good to me.
and of course an Easter basket with jellybeans and coconut Hershey kisses.
Hoppy Easter to all of you!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
April Fools
So Ms. Rose has been sick this weekend, and even through the throwing up, the many many many unmentionable diapers and a very runny nose she maintains her good humor. Its really amazing. At what point do we learn to be cranky when we don't feel good? She's definitely not her normal cheery self but she's also nowhere near as crabby as I would be if I had what she has.
Needless to say our laundry has been running quite steadily. Our washing machine belonged to Tim's parents and who knows when they bought has an enormous capacity (yeah!) and just keeps cranking along. I mentioned to Tim today that his parents have definitely got their money's worth on that one. We bought the dryer in 1996 when we got married. How domestic. Its hung in there as well, thankfully. A few repairs/tweaks here and there, but the appliance guy says they're both still fine so we'll keep them. Even though I would love these. In orange.
We went to dinner tonight for my birthday. We've ventured out upon occasion, although mostly to more casual places, not that The Loft was all that fancy. However, we'd never been so it was an adventure on a few levels. It was delish and we had a very nice time. We even had dessert! Poor Rose had an episode shall we say and I had to change her whole outfit. They don't have a baby changing station in the restroom so it was either the floor or the sink counter. I opted for the sink counter and used the fabulous pad that came with her diaper bag so she wasn't lying in someone else's cooties. Then, you guessed it, yet another load of laundry when we got home.
Needless to say our laundry has been running quite steadily. Our washing machine belonged to Tim's parents and who knows when they bought has an enormous capacity (yeah!) and just keeps cranking along. I mentioned to Tim today that his parents have definitely got their money's worth on that one. We bought the dryer in 1996 when we got married. How domestic. Its hung in there as well, thankfully. A few repairs/tweaks here and there, but the appliance guy says they're both still fine so we'll keep them. Even though I would love these. In orange.
We went to dinner tonight for my birthday. We've ventured out upon occasion, although mostly to more casual places, not that The Loft was all that fancy. However, we'd never been so it was an adventure on a few levels. It was delish and we had a very nice time. We even had dessert! Poor Rose had an episode shall we say and I had to change her whole outfit. They don't have a baby changing station in the restroom so it was either the floor or the sink counter. I opted for the sink counter and used the fabulous pad that came with her diaper bag so she wasn't lying in someone else's cooties. Then, you guessed it, yet another load of laundry when we got home.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
They're Here...............
Screw the fact that its supposed to snow 8+ inches here tomorrow night and into the weekend. And the fact that Tim has to spend all day Saturday at a training. I'm not wild about him driving in the icky weather. Not at all. Oh well. The fabulous news is that I spotted these in the yard yesterday...
I never really realized that crocuses look like baby birds until this photo. Maybe its all the dead grass around that looks nest-esque.
Two years ago we had some deer around that ate every spring flowering plant before I caught on. I thought it was odd that the crocuses were only around for a day or two, and that the tulips never sent up flowers. Then I had the aha moment and figured it out. And fought back with Liquid Fence. It really smells horrible to humans for a couple of days, and apparently to deer for a lot longer because they never returned.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
A fine kettle
I've seen recipes for fish chowder just about everywhere over the past few weeks, so I took the hint. Here's my yummy concoction...I know, I need to work on my food styling. Happily it tastes way better than it looks here. I was thrilled to be able to make a big ole pot-o-chowder! It made me feel like the old days when I would cook all sorts of funky stuff whenever the muse inspired me. Rose is doing great and entertained herself by lounging on her boppy & playing with her little horse rattle and her little feet while I cooked. We both had a nice time and enjoyed each other's company. She didn't try any of the soup.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Mid-February Already!
Sorry for the lack of presence lately! I can't rationalize it other than being lazy as hell. And the midwinter-nothing-new-really-happening syndrome.
Rose continues to grow like a cute little weed. Tim, Rose and I braved the nasty winter weather on Wednesday to go to her 4 month appointment and she did fabulously well. Height/lengthwise, she's at the 90% percentile and her other features are at the 75th. I'm so hoping she has those nice long, lean Moran genes rather than the McLaughlin thighs I sport around.
Tomorrow I'm meeting the ladies for tea at the new TajBoston, which used to be the Ritz. The sale of the Ritz rocked the city - have you read the Trumpet of the Swan? Ever gone to the swanboats? Any of the traditional Boston action always included the Ritz, so it was a sad event. I guess everything has its price but that one was a shocker.
How exciting that its already mid February! That does mean that spring is coming. Once the flower show opens then you know those crocuses are just around the corner. Last year the deer ate our crocuses after one day so hopefully the beasts will not be back. I've neglected our garden for the past two years so am really looking forward to de-shabifying it this season. And to planting a new strain of hydrangea that allegedly blooms twice a summer. Awesome! We're also going to plant a Rose of Sharon in Rose's honor to watch it grow along with her. Cute.
Rose continues to grow like a cute little weed. Tim, Rose and I braved the nasty winter weather on Wednesday to go to her 4 month appointment and she did fabulously well. Height/lengthwise, she's at the 90% percentile and her other features are at the 75th. I'm so hoping she has those nice long, lean Moran genes rather than the McLaughlin thighs I sport around.
Tomorrow I'm meeting the ladies for tea at the new TajBoston, which used to be the Ritz. The sale of the Ritz rocked the city - have you read the Trumpet of the Swan? Ever gone to the swanboats? Any of the traditional Boston action always included the Ritz, so it was a sad event. I guess everything has its price but that one was a shocker.
How exciting that its already mid February! That does mean that spring is coming. Once the flower show opens then you know those crocuses are just around the corner. Last year the deer ate our crocuses after one day so hopefully the beasts will not be back. I've neglected our garden for the past two years so am really looking forward to de-shabifying it this season. And to planting a new strain of hydrangea that allegedly blooms twice a summer. Awesome! We're also going to plant a Rose of Sharon in Rose's honor to watch it grow along with her. Cute.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

These are souvenirs from our play day in Maine. Yes, the crab is mine and is proudly perched on a pencil in my office.
You decide if the crab is a commentary on my personality.
This week's adventure: the doctor's office for Rose followed by lunch with Grams & Pops. It was quite a nice day!
Next week's adventure: Rose and my first trip to Ikea. Yay!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Play Day
So today is a play day for the Morans. We're off to the Kittery outlets to sniff out bargains, particularly at the Bass Outlet. For whatever reason, I have recently heard its siren call and must respond. Tim took the day off and Rose is also available, so we shall sally forth after the dryer repair guy comes this morning.
I have gotten the green light to engage a financial planner! Very exciting. I've wanted to do this for a while (OK, years) and was inspired by Lori. I would like to attempt living on one income and saving the other. Draconian, yes. But think of the peace of mind.
Rose is doing fantastically well at daycare. She's getting great care, is very happy at the end of the day, has taken some enormous naps and has even begun to *fill her britches* there. Ah yes, its all worth the price.
I have gotten the green light to engage a financial planner! Very exciting. I've wanted to do this for a while (OK, years) and was inspired by Lori. I would like to attempt living on one income and saving the other. Draconian, yes. But think of the peace of mind.
Rose is doing fantastically well at daycare. She's getting great care, is very happy at the end of the day, has taken some enormous naps and has even begun to *fill her britches* there. Ah yes, its all worth the price.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
So I returned to work this week, and Rose started at daycare. The good news is we both did well! The bad news is we felt bad leaving her but she will enjoy the kids and have a lot of fun there, particularly once she gets mobile. So if that's our only bad news that's pretty good. Plus I'm not working Wednesdays which makes life at home more manageable (errand day instead of Saturday!) and she only goes to daycare for two-day spurts. We're very happy with that, although I'm scheduled to return to 4 days in April. I need to think about how to negotiate 4 days permanently at that point.
For me, work is work. SSDD. But that's OK for now. I'm looking for a better opportunity, either 3 or 4 days per week, preferably closer to home. I got a great tip from Lily's mom at the daycare (apparently no one remembers the parent's names) about taking the train. I used to take the one from Reading, but that schedule doesn't work for my new hours so I've driven in this week. That is fraught with parking issues in addition to traffic issues. However, if I take the train from Woooooooooooo-burn, the schedule works and there are tons more trains -- who knew? -- so there's a lot more flexibility. I'll try it this week to see how it goes. Sure beats driving and I could actually read a book! Or work, but I'd rather read a book. It's been a long, long time since I did that. Thanks Lily's mom!
For me, work is work. SSDD. But that's OK for now. I'm looking for a better opportunity, either 3 or 4 days per week, preferably closer to home. I got a great tip from Lily's mom at the daycare (apparently no one remembers the parent's names) about taking the train. I used to take the one from Reading, but that schedule doesn't work for my new hours so I've driven in this week. That is fraught with parking issues in addition to traffic issues. However, if I take the train from Woooooooooooo-burn, the schedule works and there are tons more trains -- who knew? -- so there's a lot more flexibility. I'll try it this week to see how it goes. Sure beats driving and I could actually read a book! Or work, but I'd rather read a book. It's been a long, long time since I did that. Thanks Lily's mom!
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